When a credit card order is successfully created with Lee Newman, an automatic hold is placed on the available funds for the order. This hold disappears within 3-5 business days should the transaction not be authorized by cancellation, or rarely, out-of-stock item status.
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Payment Authorization
How is Payment Authorized?
How long is the hold for?
The length of the hold is determined by your credit car provider or bank. You will never be charged for a cancelled order.
How are paypal orders authorized?
For all PayPal orders, funds are charged automatically and must be refunded in the case of a cancellation. A hold may still be placed on the order, which will be removed after 7 days.
How are prepaid cards authorized?
Prepaid cards are authorized by the companies that host them (Visa, American Express, or Mastercard). Please contact the issuing company for further information.
My card was declined because of an error in address or insufficient funds and the transaction still shows on my statement. how can i remove this?
Unfortunately, declined payments may still appear on your statement as they are considered pending. The charge will be removed by the bank in the same waiting time as non-authorized order (3-5 business days).
Order Status
How can I track my order?
To track your order online:
1. Go to My Account and enter your log-in utilizing your email and password.
2. Select Order Status, click on the link that says Shipped Tracking #.
3. Log on to either UPS.com or USPS.com to further track your item.
How do I cancel an order?
Please contact us any time before an item ships out. We may not be able to cancel orders that have already shipped. Once the package is received by the courier, it cannot be cancelled.
Account Management
How do I create an account?
I did not receive a confirmation e-mail...
Check your spam box and be sure to add us to your Contacts List to ensure delivery in the future. Please also check the email used to place the order is the correct one.
How can I modify my account information?
To modify your account, Click Here or Sign In using your registered email address and password. You will be able to see and make changes to your existing account information there.
What if I forget my log-in email or password?
If you don't remember what email address or password is associated with your Lee Newman account, please Click Here. An email will be sent to you to resent the password and will allow access to your account.
Privacy & Security
Is ordering online safe?
Is my information kept private?
All information received through Lee Newman is always kept confidential. We do not and will never sell, rent, or share your name, mailing address, email address, or any other data that can personally identify you in any way to any other company, nor will we contact you without your explicit permission.